Code 250 to Code 332 transition Clamp set
New, more robust design. Aligns rail top and inner corner between dissimilar code track. Join Code 250 track from Llagas Creek or Sunset Vallay to major code 332 manufacturers such as: LGB, Aristo-Craft, USA Trains, PIKO, etc. No metal grinding or filing needed. Aligns rail top and inner corner between dissimilar code track. If you use code 250 turnouts, but code 332 mainline track, this is what you need. Two (2) per package.
Please note: to maximize alignment force, we decided to have the screws face in versus our usual outward-facing screw head orientation.
Thank you for your purchase. Your Split Jaw Code 332 to Code 250 transition joiner will align and hold the rail height and inner rail face to provide smooth operation of your G scale trains across two dissimilar track types.
Tested with these combinations:
Code 332 Code 250
LGB Llagas Creek
USA Trains Sunset Valley
Each set comes with a LEFT and RIGHT piece. The screw heads are oriented toward the INSIDE of your track. (Recommended purchase: Split Jaw Hex Driver SJ 10706).
Make sure your rail ends have square cut ends and are clean and free of any dirt, burrs, dents.
First: note the slots cut into each end of the rail clamp. Insert the rail into the matching slots of the clamp and tighten the screws. Do NOT force or over tighten – no more than ¼ turn past where the screw meets resistance upon close of the clamp upon the rail.
Upon assembling the transition clamp across the clamp, run your finger down the inner rails and rail surface. Sometimes, minor variations or metal burrs in the rails may require further light sanding, however, this should be considered optional. Be sure to wipe away all residues from sanding.
Pro tip: to allow years of life with no seizing, dab SJ 10795 Electro-Grease™ conductive grease on the screws and faces of the transition joiner.
Rail Clamps
Just a little different, and just a little improved. Still made in the USA.
Flat rate shipping for all Rail Clamp Products wihtin the USA. For Canada please contact us.